What really matters when it comes down to a successful program of recovery?
What needs to happen to celebrate a reversal of neurological symptoms?
The annual Parkinsons Recovery survey asks respondents:
“Please list below natural therapies that have helped you experience relief from symptoms of Parkinson’s disease”
I was surprised and awed with the variety and diversity of therapies reported to have been helpful over the past decade I have been sponsoring the survey. When I examined results of the survey, I asked myself the question – what is the common theme here?
The answer quickly became crystal clear. Therapies reported to have been useful in reversing Parkinson’s symptoms turn down the volume of the sympathetic nervous system (which inflames symptoms) and switch on the parasympathetic (which soothes symptoms).
There is no single approach, method or therapy that flips the switch. Each person discovers their own unique way to make this happen for themselves. Dozens of therapies are reported to have been useful in this regard as reflected in my survey.
My popular What Really Matters online class rolls out dozens of natural options people have reported on the surveys to have been useful in reversing symptoms. Visit the link below for more information and take advantage of the 7 day free trial.
Which ones among the many natural therapies will offer relief from your Parkinson’s symptoms? Consider a few of the possibilities covered in the course
Turmeric helps prevent depletion of dopamine, reduces oxidative stress and reverses inflammation
Magnesium is a natural muscle relaxant which helps address issues with rigidity and constipation.
Lion’s Mane Mushrooms
Lion’s Mane Mushrooms show welcome benefits as a therapy to reverse symptoms
Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF)
One reason detoxes are unsuccessful is compromised circulation. PEMF is an ideal therapy to address this problem.
Passion Flower
Some persons who experience neurological symptoms report Passion Flower has been helpful
Fasting is a natural way for the body to produce ketones which are the most efficient fuel for our brains.
Eliminate Dairy
Research consistently reports that eating dairy is a significant predictor of who experiences symptoms of Parkinson’s.
Research studies report that CBD helps to shut down anxiety. Once anxiety is brought under control, relief of symptoms follows.
Light Therapy – Photobiomodulation
Reports from persons who experience symptoms of Parkinson’s indicate light therapy has a beneficial impact on symptoms for 9 out of 10 users
Fava Beans
Aunt Bean has formulated a home made fava bean tincture that offers welcome relief from her Parkinson’s symptoms. Here is the recipe so you can prepare it for yourself.
Food as Medicine
Do you insist on only eating organic food? Great, but guess what? Eating organic is not enough. The food necessary for cellular healing is actually not available or sold in most food outlets.
N-Acetylcysteine (NAC)
N-Acetylcysteine (NAC) is a natural anti-oxidant that boosts glutathione levels which are usually dangerously low in persons diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease.
Low Dose Naltrezone (LDN)
Low Dose Naltrezone (LDN) is a prescription medicine that boosts the immune system. It is reported by some persons diagnosed with Parkinson’s to have been beneficial.
Dozens of natural options have been shown to offer relief from symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. The listing of possibilities above offers a sneak preview of the many shown to be helpful.
Among dozens of others, these options are rolled out in my new “What Really Matters” online course. Each option is thoroughly documented, accompanied by the research evidence (when available) that evaluates each option’s efficacy for persons who experience Parkinson’s symptoms. Selections are inspired by what members of my audience report has helped them get relief from their symptoms.
Visit the page below for more information and to check out What Really Matters with the free 7 day trial.
Robert Rodgers PhD
Parkinsons Recovery
Olympia, Washington