Category Archives: Parkinsons Recovery

Parkinsons Recovery –  founded in 2004 by Robert Rodgers, PhD, is dedicated to document natural options that offer the opportunity for persons diagnosed with Parkinsons disease to celebrate relief of their symptoms.

Groundbreaking Discovery for Parkinsons

Groundbreaking Discovery for Parkinsons

Finally! I have been eagerly waiting to learn results of a groundbreaking discovery for Parkinsons in a 3 year study that examined the impact of light therapy (using devices – 10% coupon code healing4me – as a treatment for persons diagnosed with Parkinson’s. Results are now published. The term for light therapy now used by researchers is photobiomodulation.

Documented reductions in Parkinson’s symptoms far exceeded my expectations. Measures of mobility, cognition, dynamic balance and fine motor skill for the 12 Parkinson’s research subjects were significantly improved (p < 0.05) with photobiomodulation treatment for 12 weeks and up to one year.

Many individual improvements were above the minimal clinically important differences, the threshold judged to be meaningful for participants. Individual improvements varied but many continued for up to one year with sustained home treatment.

The design of this study was eloquent. Participants were assessed for mobility, fine motor skills, balance and cognition before treatment began, after 4 weeks of treatment, then after 12 weeks of treatment and then at the end of the home treatment period.

Researchers drew the following conclusions:

“PBM (photobiomodulation) was shown to be a safe and potentially effective treatment for a range of clinical signs and symptoms of PD. Improvements were maintained for as long as treatment continued, for up to one year in a neurodegenerative disease where decline is typically expected.”

The abstract of the study follows:

BMC Neurol. 2021 Jul 2;21(1):256. Improvements in clinical signs of Parkinson’s disease using photobiomodulation: a prospective proof-of-concept study. Ann LiebertBrian BicknellE-Liisa LaaksoGillian HellerParastoo JalilitabaeiSharon TilleyJohn MitrofanisHosen Kiat


Background: Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease with no cure and few treatment options. Its incidence is increasing due to aging populations, longer disease duration and potentially as a COVID-19 sequela. Photobiomodulation (PBM) has been successfully used in animal models to reduce the signs of PD and to protect dopaminergic neurons.

Objective: To assess the effectiveness of PBM to mitigate clinical signs of PD in a prospective proof-of-concept study, using a combination of transcranial and remote treatment, in order to inform on best practice for a larger randomized placebo-controlled trial (RCT).

Methods: Twelve participants with idiopathic PD were recruited. Six were randomly chosen to begin 12 weeks of transcranial, intranasal, neck and abdominal PBM. The remaining 6 were waitlisted for 14 weeks before commencing the same treatment. After the 12-week treatment period, all participants were supplied with PBM devices to continue home treatment. Participants were assessed for mobility, fine motor skills, balance and cognition before treatment began, after 4 weeks of treatment, after 12 weeks of treatment and the end of the home treatment period. A Wilcoxon Signed Ranks test was used to assess treatment effectiveness at a significance level of 5%.

Results: Measures of mobility, cognition, dynamic balance and fine motor skill were significantly improved (p < 0.05) with PBM treatment for 12 weeks and up to one year. Many individual improvements were above the minimal clinically important difference, the threshold judged to be meaningful for participants. Individual improvements varied but many continued for up to one year with sustained home treatment. There was a demonstrable Hawthorne Effect that was below the treatment effect. No side effects of the treatment were observed.

Conclusions: PBM was shown to be a safe and potentially effective treatment for a range of clinical signs and symptoms of PD. Improvements were maintained for as long as treatment continued, for up to one year in a neurodegenerative disease where decline is typically expected. Home treatment of PD by the person themselves or with the help of a carer might be an effective therapy option. The results of this study indicate that a large RCT is warranted.

The Future of Medicine has Arrived with this Groundbreaking Discovery for Parkinsons

Click on the link below to hear my interview on Parkinsons Recovery Radio with Dr. Lew Lim, CEO of Vielight photobiomodulation devices. This interview was conducted before publication of the photobiomodulation Parkinson’s study.

The future of medicine rests with innovative therapies that utilize light and sound to bring the body back into balance and harmony. Neurons are cells that contain mitochondria. Photobiomodulation energizes neuronal mitochondria, triggering a cascade of beneficial cellular functions. Potential benefits are:

  • Neuroprotective effects.
  • Self-repair mechanisms
  • Enhanced functionality.

Results of this photobiomodulation Parkinson’s study affirm these expectations.

Vielight Warranty

Use any of the Vielight devices for up to six months. If you do not celebrate the relief in symptoms expected, you can return the device for an 80% refund. The company, located in Toronto Canada, obviously has confidence that users will be delighted with the result. Use coupon code healing4me to claim a 10% discount when ordering.

Call them to get your questions answered. Their staff are incredible.
1-877-355-8012 (Main line). Phone-in hours are from 9 am – 5 pm EST, Monday to Friday.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery



Light Therapy for TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury)

As summarized in my video below, studies have reported promising results using photobiomodulation light therapy for TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury).  Posted below are short abstracts of a selection of studies that focus on traumatic brain injury. Anyone with a TBI challenge should take this option to facilitate recovery seriously.

To put this in perspective, photobiomodulation (previously known as low level laser therapy) was little known five years ago. Researchers who explore its application to a wide range of health conditions has skyrocketed over recent years.

Included  below small sampling of the dozens of studies that recommend photobiomodulation as a treatment for Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI).

Research Studies on Photobiomodulation Light Therapy for TBI 

J Neurotrauma. .2023 Feb;40(3-4):210-227. Photobiomodulation in Acute Traumatic Brain Injury: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis


Photobiomodulation is a therapeutic modality that has gained increasing interest in neuroscience applications, including acute traumatic brain injury (TBI). Its proposed mechanisms for therapeutic effect when delivered to the injured brain include antiapoptotic and anti-inflammatory effects.

Eighteen published articles were identified for inclusion: seventeen pre-clinical studies of in vivo animal models and one clinical study in human patients. The available human study supports safety and feasibility of Photobiomodulation in acute moderate TBI.

This systematic review provides substantial meta-analysis evidence of the benefits of PBM on functional and histological outcomes of TBI.


Cells. 2024 Feb 23;13(5):385. Traumatic Brain Injury Recovery with Photobiomodulation: Cellular Mechanisms, Clinical Evidence, and Future Potential. Lew Lim


The objective of this study is to analyze transcranial photobiomodulation which employs specific red to near-infrared light wavelengths to modulate brain functions, as a promising therapy to address TBI’s complex pathophysiology in a single intervention. This study reviews the feasibility of this therapy, firstly by synthesizing PBM’s cellular mechanisms with each identified TBI’s pathophysiological aspect. The outcomes in human clinical studies are then reviewed.

The findings support PBM’s potential for treating TBI, notwithstanding variations in parameters such as wavelength, power density, dose, light source positioning, and pulse frequencies. In summary, transcranial PBM represents a multifaceted therapeutic intervention for TBI with vast potential which may be fulfilled by optimizing the parameters.


J Lasers Med Sci. 2022 Dec 13:13:e65. Transcranial Infrared Laser Stimulation for the Treatment of Traumatic Brain Injury: A Case Series


This study intended to evaluate the safety and possible therapeutic effect of photobiomodulation among patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI).

Methods: Eleven participants who were diagnosed with TBI after full neurological examination and MRI evaluation by a board-certified neurologist completed five to eight 20-minute sessions

Results: All patients enrolled in this study protocol were able to tolerate the study procedures. Nine out of eleven participants had clinically significant improvements in GRC score (? +2). Neuropsychological testing and mood questionnaire outcomes also suggested a positive therapeutic effect.

Conclusion: This study provides preliminary evidence supporting the safety and potential efficacy of photobiomodulation as a non-invasive clinical intervention for individuals with TBI.


Ageing Res Rev. 2023 Jan:83:101786. Can transcranial photobiomodulation improve cognitive function? A systematic review of human studies


Transcranial photobiomodulation has been studied for over a decade as a possible cognitive intervention.

Objective: To evaluate the effect of photobiomodulation for enhancing human cognitive function in healthy adults and remediating impaired cognitive function in adults with cognitive disorders.

Methods: A systematic literature search from three electronic databases (PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science) was conducted from 1987 to May 2022. The cognitive function being evaluated included learning and memory, attention, executive function, language, and global cognitive function.

Results: Of the 35 studies identified, 29 (82.9 %) studies reported positive improvement in cognitive functions after tPBM. All nine studies on participants with subjective memory complaints, mild cognitive impairment, and dementia, showed positive outcomes. Seven (87.5 %) studies on traumatic brain injury (TBI) patients also showed positive results.

Conclusions: Photobiomodulation seems to improve cognitive function


Photomed Laser Surg. 2018 Nov 28. Pulsed Transcranial Red/Near-Infrared Light Therapy Using Light-Emitting Diodes Improves Cerebral Blood Flow and Cognitive Function in Veterans with Chronic Traumatic Brain Injury: A Case Series


Objective: This study explored the outcome of applying red/near-infrared light therapy using light-emitting diodes (LEDs) pulsed with three different frequencies transcranially to treat traumatic brain injury (TBI) in Veterans.

Background: Photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT) using LEDs has been shown to have positive effects on TBI in humans and animal models.

Methods: Twelve symptomatic military Veterans diagnosed with chronic TBI >18 months post-trauma received pulsed transcranial photobiomodulation using two neoprene therapy pads containing 220 infrared and 180 red LEDs over 6 weeks.

Results: Photobiomodulation significantly improved neuropsychological scores in 6 of 15 subscales (40.0%; p < 0.05; two tailed). SPECT analysis showed increase in rCBF in 8 of 12 (66.7%) study participants. Quantitative SPECT analysis revealed a significant increase in rCBF in this subgroup of study participants and a significant difference between pre-treatment and post-treatment.

Conclusions: Photobiomodulation using LEDs shows promise in improving cognitive function and Cerebral Blood Flow several years after TBI.


Front Psychol. 2024 Jun 17:15:1378570. Can transcranial photobiomodulation improve cognitive function in TBI patients? A systematic review


Transcranial photobiomodulation is a non-invasive neuromodulation technology which has become a promising therapy for treating many brain diseases. Although it has been confirmed in studies targeting neurological diseases including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s that photobiomodulation can improve cognitive function, the effectiveness of interventions targeting TBI patients remains to be determined. This systematic review examines the cognitive outcomes of clinical trials concerning photobiomodulation in the treatment of traumatic brain injury (TBI).

Methods: We conducted a systematic literature review, following the PRISMA guidelines. The PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, EMBASE, and Cochrane Library databases were searched before October 31, 2023.

Results: The initial search retrieved 131 articles, and a total of 6 studies were finally included for full text-analysis after applying inclusion and exclusion criteria.

Conclusion: Results showed improvements in cognition for patients with chronic TBI after photobiomodulation intervention. The mechanism may be that photobiomodulation increases the volume of total cortical gray matter, subcortical gray matter, and thalamic, improves cerebral blood flow, functional connectivity, and cerebral oxygenation, improving brain function.

About Vielight Photobiomodulation Devices

The company, Vielight, has generously offered followers of Parkinsons Recovery a 10% discount off orders of any of their devices including Neuro Gamma device. Enter the coupon code healing4me on the shopping cart. The website: 
Do not hesitate to call the company. They always provide four star service and are happy to answer all of your questions. 1-877-355-8012 (Main line). The company is located in Toronto Canada.


Vielight is so confident in its new product that you get six (6) months to try out their newly invented photobiomodulation therapy. If for any reason you are not satisfied, you can return it for a 80% refund. I have never heard of a company that is so confident in their product that such a generous warranty can be extended. They obviously have high confidence in their new invention.

Experience of hundreds of members of my audience is certainly positive. Nine out of ten users retain their units. Only one out of ten return them to claim the 80% refund.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Interview John Coleman ND

Did you know recovery from Parkinson’s Disease is possible?

Thank you for your wonderful book. I now have hope.
L.T. Perth West Australia

Date: January 2024

From: Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.

John Coleman, ND, was diagnosed with Stage IV Parkinson’s Disease in 1995. He had all the major symptoms of Parkinson’s –

    • muscular rigidity 
    • tremors
    • difficulty walking 
    • frozen face 
    • muscle weakness 
    • insomnia 
    • cognitive impairment
    • fatigue 
    • illegible handwriting 
    • poor coordination 
    • freezing 
    • spasms 
    • gastric reflux 
    • loss of libido 

You name it. He had it.

Three and a half years later John Coleman ND was symptom free.

Since 1998 he has helped countless individuals with Parkinson’s find relief from their symptoms.

Is it easy to recover from Parkinson’s?

            Certainly not. 

Is it possible to recover from Parkinson’s? Just ask John Coleman ND

Two sources provide rich information about John Coleman’s experience and insights on what it really takes to reverse the symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease. The first is an interview of John by Robert Rodgers, PhD from Parkinsons Recovery. The second source is John’s wonderful book, Stop Parkin’ and Start Livin’. Both resources are described below:

Interview with John Coleman, ND

In this remarkable interview, John Coleman, ND talks about his own recovery from Parkinsons Disease and answers questions about therapies that made a difference
to his own recovery as well as his own patients. Some of the questions Dr. Coleman answered were:

  • How did you come to the realization you could get better when all indications were that you would get worse?
  • How did you go about deciding what to try in terms of therapies, supplements, doctors, etc.?
  • Which therapies/approaches did not work for you?
  • What has helped you get the most relief from your own symptoms?
  • As a naturopath, do you cure people with Parkinson’s?
  • What does your neurologist say about your own remission?
  • Do you personally still do all the things you talk about in your book, Stop Parkin’ and Start Livin’
  • What do you recommend for pain?
  • What do you recommend for anxiety?
  • What do you recommend for the inability to sleep?
  • What do you recommend for depression?
  • What do you recommend for constipation?
  • What do you recommend for tremors?
  • What is the most important thing you want people to know who have Parkinson’s?
  • What was recovery like for you?
  • What about your patients… what has their experience been like?
  • Among your patients with Parkinson’s, how many have been able to see full relief from their symptoms?
  • Does a person have to make any lifestyle changes to recover?
  • It took you three and a half years to recover. That is a long time to sustain hope. How did you do it?
  • Do you have any information regarding the supplement NADH that is supposed to improve cognitive abilities?
  • How can someone manage rigidity, spasms and burning sensations?
  • When should people with Parkinson’s symptoms start taking medication?
  • Could you discuss the approaches using the Emotional Freedom Technique for Parkinson’s and your opinion of the value of the technique?
  • How critical is the timing of taking medication?
  • Some studies have suggested there can be benefits of early medication rather than delaying medication. Comments?
  • How long did it take you to become symptom free?

Order your copy of this interview with John Coleman by clicking on the link below:

Stop Parkin’ and Start Livin’

John Coleman ND talks about how he recovered from Parkinson’s Disease in his pioneering book Stop Parkin’ and Start Livin’. He is the first to say there is no cure for Parkinson’s. No magic bullet exists. The key is to find relief for symptoms and give the body time to heal.

The body knows how to heal itself. It just needs a little help remembering how. The good news is that it is possible to recover from Parkinson’s by allowing the body to do its work and come back into full balance and harmony

John Coleman initially experimented with a variety of modalities to heal Parkinson’s. He was so sick he was willing to try anything. Some of the therapies he pursued were not effective. Others were. 

Stop Parkin’ and Start Livin’ tells all about what John Coleman ND did to recover. The book offers the same recommendations John Coleman offers to his own patients now who are diagnosed with Parkinson’s. The information in Stop Parkin’ and Start Livin’ can help put anyone with Parkinson’s on the path to recovery. Order his book on Amazon by clicking below:

Stop Parkin’ and Start Livin’

Why did John Coleman write Stop Parkin’ and Start Livin’?

When the word spread in Australia that John was symptom free, he was deluged with questions from patients. 

  • What should I eat?
  • What causes Parkinson’s?
  • Does exercise make a difference? 
  • What about taking medications?
  • What supplements make a difference?
  • How can I release the toxins from my body?
  • How can I reduce my exposure to household toxins? 
  • Does meditation make a difference?
  • Does acupuncture help?
  • Massage? 
  • Reiki? 
  • Energy healing? 
  • Craniosacral therapy? 
  • Feldenkrais?   

John wrote the answers to all these questions and more in his book so that the information is now accessible to anyone. His goal is to help as many people recover from Parkinson’s as possible.

  • What should I eat? – Stop Parkin’ and Start Livin’ explains why diet is critical to recovery. John Coleman ND identifies the best foods to eat if you have Parkinson’s. Information about foods to avoid is also previewed.Eat well and it will make all the difference to your recovery.
  • How in the world can I exercise when any movement is a challenge? – Exercise is critical to recovery. When mobility is a challenge, how do you even begin to exercise? Stop Parkin’ and Start Livin’ illustrates exercises that can be done by anyone with limited mobility.
  • How can I know if I am getting better? – A huge challenge with recovering from Parkinson’s is to know whether or not you are experiencing true relief from symptoms. After all, symptoms in most people shift from day to day. How can you motivate yourself to do what is necessary to heal if you do not know whether you are getting better or worse?Stop Parkin’ and Start Livin’ gives you ways to track symptoms so that you are able to acknowledge to yourself each and every day that you are on the road to recovery.
We read your book and were really excited. Please send the Aquas. I want to start getting well now.B.D. Charters Towers Queensland


  • Are there products I use every day that might be making my symptoms worse? – It is well documented in the research literature that a contributing factor to Parkinson’s is exposure to toxins. Toxic exposure may be closer to home than you realize.There is a good chance that common household chemicals in your bathroom or kitchen cabinets may be contaminating your body with harmful toxins.
    Stop Parkin’ and Start Livin’ shows how to identify which common, household cleaning agents and chemicals are toxins and should be discarded.John Coleman ND also explains how you can find soaps, deodorants, toothpastes, perfumes, make ups, skin cleansers and moisturizers, hair shampoos and conditioners and dental care products that are safe and non-toxic.
  • What do I do about the harmful chemicals and toxins that are already in my body? – Ok. So Parkinson’s is, in part, caused by toxins. So What? How do I get rid of toxins that are lodged deep within the cells of my body?When your body is adequately hydrated, toxins will be released. How do you hydrate your body?Stop Parkin’ and Start Livin’ introduces a revolutionary homeopathic remedy for dehydration. John Coleman ND attributes his recovery in part to a homeopathic therapy for dehydration – the Aquas. Once the body is fully and completely hydrated. toxins will be released. John Coleman ND explains that as toxins are released, symptoms do improve.
  • What really causes Parkinson’s? – What has happened in your life that has contributed to your Parkinson’s? John Coleman has had Parkinson’s himself and subsequently recovered. He offers a unique perspective on the underlying cause for Parkinson’s. It is the key to his success in being able to recover.John Coleman ND identifies the underlying cause for his own Parkinson’s. Once he was able to make the cause conscious he was able to heal it. By explaining his process, he provides a roadmap for all others to find the underlying cause for themselves, to make it conscious and to heal it. A variety of modalities are explained that offer ways to address the underlying cause of the disease.
Thank you for your inspiring story, your courage and dedication.J.F. Geelong Victoria


  • I have questions about my medications – It is a very large challenge for anyone with Parkinson’s to track the side effects of medications. What are the side effects? What should be the time of dose? Can I vary the dose? How do I preserve the potency of l’dopa?Stop Parkin’ and Start Livin’ answers all of these questions and more.
  • What is the connection between stress and Parkinson’s? – Prolonged stress and unresolved trauma trigger reactions that create the conditions for disease. Stop Parkin’ and Start Livin’ has extensive information about how the stress cycle works and the role stress plays in contributing to the symptoms of Parkinson’s.So what? Everyone knows stress causes problems for people.
    Stop Parkin’ and Start Livin’ offers realistic ways to relieve the stress in your life. When stress is relieved the body has an opportunity to bring all the hormones back into balance.
  • How is Parkinson’s diagnosed? – What are the symptoms of Parkinson’s? Stop Parkin’ and Start Livin’ explains how Parkinson’s Disease is diagnosed and identifies all of the possible symptoms that can be associated with it.

Stop Parkin’ and Start Livin’ is the perfect resource for anyone who is determined to find ways to help themselves find relief from the symptoms of Parkinson’s. After all, the book is written by a man who himself was determined to find ways to heal his own Parkinson’s Disease.
In Stop Parkin’ and Start Livin’ you will learn about:

* How Parkinson’s is diagnosed.

*Symptoms of Parkinson’s.

*Side effects of the drugs used to treat Parkinson’s.

*Recommendations for retaining the potency of l’dopa.

*The diet that promotes recovery from Parkinson’s.

*Exercises that anyone with limited mobility can perform.

*Methods to track your progress toward recovery.

*Common household chemicals and cleaning agents in your home that contribute to
the symptoms of Parkinson’s.

*Ways to reduce the stress in your life that contributes to the symptoms of
Parkinson’s Disease.

*How to hydrate your body to release toxins that are trapped at the cellular level.

*The underlying cause of Parkinson’s and how to heal it.

Click Here To Order Today


I am so encouraged by what I have read of you so far. I see hope again.J.N. Victoria


Thank you for writing an inspirational and informative book. It is very helpful.K.O. Washington


Because of the potential seriousness of Parkinson’s Disease and the long term inadequacies of medical drugs, this book can be an invaluable resource for anyone who is determined to get well.Book Review by New Vegetarian and Natural Health Magazine


Diagnosed with Parkinson’s? 

Feeling hopeless, helpless and depressed? 

These are normal reactions, given that most people are told now that they have Parkinson’s, their symptoms will inevitably worsen.  

While some people do get worse, this does not have to be true for you. Stop Parkin’ and Start Livin’ was written by a man who knows recovery is possible. It is not easy to recover. It takes time. It takes patience. It takes dedication. But recovery is indeed possible.

What do you get when you purchase Stop Parkin’ and Start Livin’?

You will receive one hundred and eighty nine (189) pages of information that explains what you can do for yourself to recover from Parkinson’s Disease. The book comes to you as a PDF file that is downloaded onto your computer.  

All web site references are hot linked to the internet. Click on any reference and you will be taken directly to the web site. A listing of useful websites and other resources is also provided.  Stop Parkin’ and Start Livin’ contains the following chapters:

How it Began.

Parkinson’s Disease – A Conservative View

But What Does it Feel Like? – Living Behind the Mask


Section Two: Serious Stuff, But Really Important

So You’ve Just Been  Diagnosed With  Parkinson’s Disease

Eating Well to Get Well

Household Chemicals

Rehydration – Preparing the Environment

Relaxation, Contemplation, Meditation and Spirituality 

Laughter – Internal Jogging that Exercises the Body 


Song and Dance – Talking and Walking With Parkinson’s Disease


Your Journal – Your Second Friend 

Other Ways to Help Yourself

Sexuality and Parkinson’s Disease 

Section Three: There’s Help Out There For You 



at is Trauma? How can I Repair the Effects? 

Setting Goals and Living With Them

Other Naturopathic Therapies

Healing Modalities


Frequently Asked Questions

Is That All There is?

Useful Websites and Other Resources



Stop Parkin’ and Start Livin’ does not offer a quick fix to the symptoms of Parkinson’s. It does provide the tools and approaches that will create the conditions for the hormones in your body to come back into balance. 

It took John Coleman ND over three years to recover fully. Purchase his book today. Find out the details of how he recovered and the advice he gives to his own clients who are intent on recovery. 

If you do not start on the road to recovery today, when will you start? There is no better time than now. 

The body knows how to heal itself. It just needs a little help remembering how sometimes. 

Give your body just what it needs to come back into full balance and harmony. 

Create the right conditions for your body to sustain the delicate balance of hormones in your body. 

No one is going to make this happen except you. 

Get  Stop Parkin’ and Start Livin today and find out what you need to do for yourself to start on the road to recovery from Parkinson’s disease. 

Best of Success,

Robert Rodgers, Ph.D.
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

P.S.- John Coleman ND recovered from Stage IV Parkinson’s. Why not find out how he did it?


Parkinsons Disease and Trauma

What is the connection between Parkinsons disease and trauma? Click on the Link below toParkinsons disease and trauma receive a series of videos that present and demonstrate powerful ways to release trauma that you can do all by yourself. No visits to medical professionals required.

Jump Start to Recovery Crash Course

In the video below I explain why trauma lies at the root cause of symptoms associated with a diagnoses of Parkinson’s disease.

Parkinsons Disease and Trauma 

The relationship between trauma and Parkinson’s Disease is an area of growing interest and research. Trauma, especially head trauma, has been studied for its potential links to neurodegenerative diseases, including Parkinson’s.

  1. Head Trauma and Parkinson’s RiskResearch has suggested that repeated head injuries, such as those sustained in contact sports or accidents,  increase the risk of developing Parkinson’s Disease. The connection is thought to be related to chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). This condition is associated with repetitive head trauma that can lead to neurodegenerative changes similar to those seen in Parkinson’s.

    For instance, studies have shown that athletes in high-contact sports, like football and boxing, are at a higher risk of developing Parkinson’s later in life. This may be due to the cumulative impact of repeated head injuries, which can lead to long-term damage to the brain’s structure and function.

  2. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Parkinson’s DiseasePTSD, a condition that can develop after experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event, has also been studied for its potential link to Parkinson’s Disease. Some researchers speculate that the chronic stress associated with PTSD could contribute to neuro-inflammation, which might accelerate neurodegenerative processes.

    The stress response system and the inflammation resulting from chronic stress might interact with the brain’s dopamine system, potentially influencing the onset or progression of Parkinson’s Disease. However, this relationship is complex and still under investigation, as PTSD is known to have diverse and multifaceted effects on the brain and body.

    Robert Rodgers PhD
    Founder 2004
    Parkinsons Recovery

Thanks for Ordering the Five Free X39 Patches

I have my fingers crossed the X39 Patches will prove beneficial to you and am so happy to learn you will be giving the X39 patches a trial run. 

You have a five day supply if you apply one patch daily. This will give you an opportunity to experience its effects for a few days. Ian Ridgeway recommends applying the patch every other day or once every three days to ease the effects of detoxing. Proceed however you think is best.

You will receive USPS tracking on the X39 shipment in your email. Although the patches are free, there is a $5 shipping charge if the shipment destination is within the United States and $20 if outside. The order will show the shipping charge on your credit card to Zero Point Healers (the LLC for Parkinsons Recovery).

Call or email me anytime.  I am happy to assist and welcome the feedback 

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery


The reason anxiety becomes so difficult to tame is that we are not grounded. Energy tends to  hang around the top of our body rather than the bottom. This makes us continually anxious, uneasy and unsteady.

Here is a simple technique which takes only 2 minutes which you can activate anytime to reduce anxieties that inflame symptoms. Do these simple exercises with me. You can do them sitting or standing.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Rock Solid Walking Online Course


Unwinding Other Ways: Finding Serenity in a Hectic World

In a world that’s always on, where emails ding and social media never sleeps, the ability to unwind can seem like an elusive luxury. But lunwinding is crucial not just for our mental health but for our overall well-being. It’s about more than just taking a break; it’s about reconnecting with ourselves and finding balance amidst the chaos. Here’s how to master the art of unwinding and reclaim your peace of mind.

Understanding the Need for Unwinding

Before diving into strategies, it’s essential to recognize why unwinding is so important. Constant stress can lead to burnout, affect our physical health, and erode our emotional resilience. Unwinding is more than relaxation; it’s a necessary practice to reset our mental and emotional state, enabling us to face challenges with renewed energy and clarity.

Create a Sanctuary

One of the first steps to unwinding is to create a space where you can escape the demands of daily life. This doesn’t have to be a grand gesture. It could be a cozy corner of your home with a comfy chair, soft lighting, and a few of your favorite items. The key is to make it a place where you can let go of stress and focus on yourself.

Unwinding with a Digital Detox

Our screens are often the biggest source of stress and distraction. Scheduling regular breaks from technology can be incredibly beneficial. Try setting aside specific times during the day to unplug from devices. Use this time to engage in activities that are genuinely relaxing and fulfilling, such as reading a book, going for a walk, or practicing a hobby.

Practice Mindfulness and Meditation

Mindfulness and meditation are powerful tools for unwinding. They help bring your attention to the present moment, reducing the noise of past regrets and future anxieties. Even a few minutes a day can make a significant difference. Start with simple breathing exercises or guided meditations and gradually explore different techniques that resonate with you.

Get Moving

Exercise is a well-known stress reliever. Physical activity helps release endorphins, which are natural mood lifters. You don’t need to run a marathon; even a gentle yoga session or a brisk walk can help clear your mind and reduce tension. Find a form of movement you enjoy and incorporate it into your routine.

Unwinding by indulging in Creative Outlets

Creativity can be a powerful way to unwind. Engaging in creative activities like painting, writing, or playing music allows you to express yourself and tap into a different part of your brain. It’s less about the end result and more about the process of creation and the sense of accomplishment it brings.

Cultivate a Relaxing Routine

Establishing a routine can help signal to your body and mind that it’s time to unwind. This might include a series of activities that you perform regularly before bed, such as reading, taking a warm bath, or practicing gentle stretches. Consistency helps train your body to recognize when it’s time to relax and prepare for restful sleep.

Nurture Social Connections

Sometimes unwinding means connecting with others. Whether it’s spending time with loved ones, having a meaningful conversation, or simply enjoying a shared activity, social connections can provide comfort and perspective. Just be mindful of choosing interactions that uplift and energize you rather than drain your energy.

Practice Self-Compassion

Be gentle with yourself. The pressures of modern life can make it challenging to fully unwind, and that’s okay. Recognize your efforts and celebrate small victories. Self-compassion involves acknowledging that it’s normal to have off days and that taking time for yourself is both valuable and necessary.

Unwinding through Nature

Nature has a remarkable ability to soothe and rejuvenate. Whether it’s a walk in the park, a hike in the woods, or simply sitting by a body of water, natural settings can help calm your mind and refresh your spirit. Make time to immerse yourself in nature and appreciate its beauty and tranquility.


Unwinding isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution, but rather a personalized journey towards finding what helps you relax and recharge. By creating a sanctuary, embracing digital detox, and incorporating mindfulness, movement, and creative outlets into your life, you can cultivate a deeper sense of peace. Remember, unwinding is not a luxury but a necessity, and making it a regular part of your life will lead to greater overall well-being and satisfaction.

So, take a deep breath, find your favorite relaxation method, and make unwinding a priority. Your mind and body will thank you.

Discover dozens of suggestions for how to transform mobility challenges in my Rock Solid Walking Online Course. Visit the webpage below for more information and the online course and to register.

Rock Solid Walking

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery